Previous Projects

2024 I GEF Supported NBSAP Early Action Support Project

Developed documents and guidance notes to help countries receiving support through the GEF Early Action Support Programme to prepare for updating/revising the NBSAPs that align fully with the newly adopted Kunming Montreal GBF.

2023 I Revegetation Plan to Offset the Impact of the Project Sites for GUYSOL

Prepared a revegetation plan to offset the biodiversity losses resulting from the clearing of vegetation at 3 of the 8 proposed sites due to the construction of the solar PV farms and their related facilities (transmission lines, access roads).

2023 I Aligning the Caribbean Biodiversity Strategy to the Kunming Montreal GBF

Updated the draft Caribbean Biodiversity Strategy to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, the Community Environmental and Natural Resources Policy Framework, and NBSAPs, in consultation with CARICOM member states.

2022 I Regional Action Plan for the NWA Leatherback

Analysed the priorities for the North West Atlantic (NWA) leatherback sea turtle sub-population at a national level for Guyana as part of the regional action plan for the leatherback (Dermochelys Coriacea).